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Complete Guide to Company Registration & Employee Work Visa in China

In today’s increasingly globalized business environment, the Chinese market presents numerous opportunities for foreign companies and expatriates. Navigating the complex procedures and regulations for company registration and securing employee work visas in China can be a challenge. Thus, our comprehensive “Guide to Company Registration and Employee Work Visa in China” offers a one-stop solution. This guide, provided by AnyVisa, enables you to easily complete these tasks, allowing you to focus on business development.

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1 Guide to Company Registration in China

Here is a step-by-step guide to the process:


Reserve Company Name: First of the company registration process in China is the reservation of a unique company name, which will serve as the identity of your future business.


Sign Business Registration Documents: To ensure compliance, you will sign the necessary documents for business registration.


Lease a Physical Office Address: Prior to official registration, you need to secure a physical office address lease contract.


Apply for a Physical Business License: After completing the business registration, you can apply for a physical business license, proving legal operation.


Public Security Registration and Seal Carving: Register your company with the public security bureau and prepare the necessary seals to guarantee legal operation.


Apply for Electronic Business License: For convenience and efficiency, you can also apply for an electronic business license.


Open a Basic Bank Account: Opening a basic bank account for your company ensures smooth financial transactions.


⏳Estimated Time: Following our “Guide to Company Registration & Employee Work Visa in China”, this process will take approximately 30 working days.

Consult Lisa for more info.

AnyVisa - Lisa


2 Guide to Employee Work Visa in China

Following are the steps to apply for an employee work visa in China:


Foreign Expert Bureau Account Registration: Provide legal account registration for your foreign employees, ensuring their eligibility for lawful employment in China.


Apply for a Work Permit: Apply for a work permit to secure legal working status for your foreign employees.


Apply for Residence Permit: A residence permit is also necessary for foreign employees to legally reside in China during their employment.


⏳Estimated Time: Following our “Guide to Company Registration & Employee Work Visa in China”, this process will take approximately 30 working days.

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3 AnyVisa Service

AnyVisa provides establishment services for foreign-owned enterprises, domestic enterprises, and Sino-foreign joint ventures.

AnyVisa also offers various extended services, including office leasing, opening basic bank accounts and foreign currency accounts, financial services, social security, special industry approval certificates, trademark registration, etc. Most importantly, AnyVisa can handle the work visa applications for your foreign employees, providing stable talent support for your team.

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Based on your needs, AnyVisa can handle the entire process on your behalf to ensure a hassle-free experience. Alternatively, if you prefer to be involved, AnyVisa can provide consulting services to answer your questions and ensure a smooth application process.

Feel free to contact Lisa and let’s embark on the path to success together!

AnyVisa - Lisa


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Complete Guide to Company Registration & Employee Work Visa in China - AnyVisa

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