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Special Foreign Talents to Apply for Permanent Residence in China

Source: E-government Platform of Exit-Entry Administration Offices of Branches of Shanghai Public Security Bureau


Requirements for special foreign talents to apply for Permanent Residence in China:


Foreign people who meet one of the following conditions can apply for permanent residence in China:

  1. Foreigners (foreign talents) who are globally recognized within their field or specialization, or are well-renowned and people who have contributed a lot to national economic development and social development or are valuable to our nation;
  2. Foreigners who meet the criteria of high-level talent as set by Shanghai Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone or China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter call “Double Zones”) and are recommended by the Administration Committee of Double Zones;
  3. Foreign core members of research teams recommended and guaranteed by foreign leading experts, or those pioneering research as introduced by double zones (recognized by the Administration Committee of Double Zones).

The foreign spouse and their unmarried children under 18 years old of the above foreign applicants can apply for permanent residence together.


Documents required for special foreign talents to apply for Permanent Residence in China:


  1. Documents Required for Foreign Talents (principal applicant):

(1) Complete Application Form for Permanent Residence in China, and provide 2 copies of two-inch recent photos and a digital version of these photos (recorded in a CD) (Read the Notice for more details).

(2) Valid passport and valid visa (or residence permit), and provide 2 copies of each.

(3) Those who conform to the terms for application No.1 should submit an original recommendation letter, and photo-copy of this, issued by Ministry, Commission, Administration of the State Council, or Shanghai Municipal People’s Government.

Those who conform to the terms for application No.2 should submit an original recommendation letter, and photo-copy of this, issued by Double Zones.

Those who conform to the terms for application No.3 should submit an original letter of guarantee, and photo-copy of this, written by foreign leading experts or leading research pioneers of confirmation issued by Double Zones.

(4) Letter of application issued by the employer, and provide 1 copy.



2.Documents Required for Spouse:

(1) Complete Application Form for Permanent Residence in China, and provide 2 copies of two-inch recent photos and a digital version of these photos (recorded in a CD) (Read the Notice for more details).

(2) Valid passport and valid visa (or residence permit), and provide 2 copies of each.

(3) Marriage Certificate, and provide 2 copies of this. If this Certificate was issued abroad, a verification from the Embassy/Consulate General of China is also needed, which has a validity of up to 6 months. Two copies of ID certificate used for marriage registration are also required.

(4) A Health check certificate which was issued by a domestic entry-exit inspection and quarantine agency (or by foreign medical institutions verified by Embassy /Consulate General of China), and provide 1 copy of this. The health certificate should be issued within the validity of the last 6 months.

(5) A Criminal Record/ Background check which shows no trace or history of any kind must be verified by the Embassy/Consulate General of China, and 1 copy should also be provided. The name on the Record Check must match that on the valid passport. In case the applicant has changed names, the former names should be noted in the Record, In case the applicant has lived in a country/region outside the passport-issuing country for successively two years or longer after he/she is 18 years old, a clear Criminal Record check from that country/region is also required. The Record(s) should be issued within the validity of the last 6 months.

  1. Documents Required for children:

(1) Complete Application Form for Permanent Residence in China, and provide 2 copies of two-inch recent photos and a digital version of these photos (recorded in a CD) (Read the Notice for more details).

(2) Valid passport and visa (or residence permit), and provide 2 copies of each.

(3) Birth Certificate (or parent-children relationship certificate, or adoption proof), and provide 2 copies of this. If the Certificate or proof was issued abroad, then verification by the Embassy/Consulate General of China is required.

(4) ID certificates of both parents, and provide 2 copies of each.

(5) Marriage certificate of parents and 2 copies of this (in case the parents have divorced, the principal applicant should provide valid guardianship proof, such as a court verdict, etc.). If the certificate was issued abroad, then verification by the Embassy/Consulate General of China is required.

(6) Nationality identification should be processed in the first place if one/both of the parents was/were of Chinese nationality when the child was born.



★ Notice for special foreign talents applying for Permanent Residence in China:

(1) Applicant above 18 years old should come to process the application in person. For those under 18 years old both parents should come to process the application (in case the parents are divorced, the guardian parent shall process the application).

(2) The photo should be taken in color with a white background. No hats or other obscuring items are permitted, and the full face must be visible. The photo size must be 48mm*33mm, with a facial width of 18mm±1mm, and head height (top of head to top of photo) between 1.5mm~2.5mm. The shirt collar or collarbone should be visible.

(3) In case the applicant has changed nationality, certificate of naturalization is required. In case the applicant was once of Chinese nationality, the former mainland Chinese citizen shall also provide their previous private passport and overseas permanent resident certificate (Chinese nationals who join another nationality when holding an official/service passport must renounce Chinese nationality first), former Taiwanese shall also provide a residence deregistration certificate; former Hong Kong/Macau people shall also provide an ID cancellation certificate. If necessary, Certificates issued abroad must be verified by the Embassy/Consulate General of China.

(4) In case the applicant has changed their name, relevant certificates and 2 copies of these are required. Certificates issued in a foreign country should be verified by the Embassy/Consulate General of China.

(5) The Criminal Record/Background check, Marriage certificate, Birth certificate, relationship certificate, adoption paper, name changing proof or other relevant documents issued by overseas authorities must either be verified by the Embassy/Consulate General of China, or be certified by his/her country’s Embassy/Consulate General in China (personal statement is not acceptable).

(6) Certificates in foreign languages should be translated into Chinese and stamped by an eligible domestic translation agency, and a copy of the business license of this translation agency is required.

(7) The applicant can mark down “Need to print Chinese name” in “Others” column of the application form, if he/she hopes to have a Chinese name printed on Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card.


(All contents of the guideline is authentic in Chinese, English is for reference only.)


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