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Top Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Chinese Work Permit

Working in China as a foreigner can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, the process of obtaining a work permit can be daunting, especially if you are not familiar with the local regulations and requirements. To avoid common mistakes that can delay or even derail your work permit application, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep your work history consistent across different companies

When applying for a work permit in a different company, make sure that your personal and professional history is consistent across all your applications. Any inconsistencies or overlaps between your work and education history can raise suspicion and may even be considered fraudulent.

2. Ensure that your salary is clearly stated in your employment contract

Your employment contract should clearly state your base pre-tax monthly salary, and should not only include your probationary salary. Additionally, the contract should specify your total pre-tax salary after your probationary period is over.

3. Ensure that your signature on documents matches that on your passport

Make sure that your handwritten signature matches the one on your passport. This applies to all documents, including your application form and employment contract.

4. Ensure that the business license is valid for a sufficient period of time

If the business license is valid for less than one year, you will need to provide a new business license when applying for a work permit renewal or a new work permit. Failure to do so can result in your work permit being valid for only as long as your business license.

5. Ensure that you update your personal and company information in a timely manner

If any personal or company information changes, such as your office address, passport, or business license, make sure to update this information in the work permit system within 10 days.

6. Ensure that your document headers are correct

Different regions have different document headers, so make sure to use the correct one for your application. Be sure to include the specific name of the approval agency, such as “XXX区科学技术委员会” (the XXX District Science and Technology Committee).


For Pudong New Area, it’s “浦东新区海外人才局” (the Overseas Talent Bureau of Pudong New Area).

7. Ensure that your company uses the correct company seal

When submitting documents for your work permit application, make sure that your company uses the official company seal on all documents. Do not use seals designated for specific purposes, such as a contract seal or a financial seal.

Obtaining a work permit in China can be a complex process, but by avoiding these common mistakes, you can help ensure a smooth and successful application process.

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