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Intl Student Grad Season: China Work Visa 2024 Ultimate Guide

Once again, it’s graduation season, and many international students are facing the expiration of their student visas. To assist in this transitional phase, we have compiled the latest guide for 2024 on how to continue living in China. Whether you are a recent undergraduate or a master’s graduate, you will find practical information and advice here.

1 Securing a Job and Applying for a Work Visa

International students in Shanghai can opt to secure a job to apply for a work visa, which is the most direct method to remain in China. However, the application process involves certain details and variations. Here is a breakdown of the work visa requirements for graduate international students:

C-Class Bachlor’s Degrees

C-Class Master’s Degrees

Company Requirements

1. Companies located in specific areas such as the “Dual Innovations” zone or the five new towns in Shanghai.

2. Companies fall within the “Shanghai Science and Innovation Career List.”

Certain requirements for the scale and scope of the company’s operation

Student Requirements

Graduates from universities in Shanghai or excellent foreign graduates from top international universities.

Outstanding university students in and out of China

Advantages and Challenges of Work Visa Application:

 ● Advantages:

01 Exemption from the two-year work experience requirement, significantly lowering the application threshold.

02 Direct transition from a student visa to a work visa, simplifying the process.

 ● Challenges:

01 Only available to outstanding graduates with strict grade requirements.

02 High requirements for the employing company, including the location, whether it qualifies as a high-tech enterprise, and the scope of business.

03 Limited quotas for C-Class work visas, advising early application.

2 Registering a Business

If you aspire to start your own business in Shanghai or venture into entrepreneurship with peers, registering a company is another viable path to obtaining a work visa. Here are the steps and requirements:

 Business Type and Registration Process:

01 Choose a business name ensuring it meets regulations and undergo pre-approval.

02 Define the scope of business based on actual needs.

03 Prepare registration documents including company statutes, shareholder resolutions, and board resolutions.

04 Submit an application to the administrative department for industry and commerce.

05 Obtain a business license after approval.

3 Applying for Short-term Language Courses

If you have not found employment or an entrepreneurial opportunity and wish to continue experiencing the academic environment in China, enrolling in short-term language courses is an option. Here is the application process:

Requirements and Process for 

Short-term Language Classes:

01 Select a reputable, qualified language school that provides visa support.

02 Flexible course schedules are available to fit your timetable.

03 Apply for a language course visa to extend your stay in China.


Applying for short-term language courses can extend your stay in China, increasing your opportunities to find work or start a business. Improving your Chinese language skills will benefit your future work and life. However, the visa type and duration are limited, so it’s essential to plan ahead.

4 Conclusion: Securing Your Visa Transition

Whether you plan to find a job, start a business, or temporarily take language classes, you can consult with our professional advisor, Maggie, if you encounter any issues during the application process or need further assistance.

We hope our assistance helps you successfully transition from a student visa to a work visa, allowing you to continue pursuing your dreams in China!

Follow our Official WeChat to get the latest policy of China Visa.


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