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International Marriage Agency? It’s ILLEGAL! 

International Marriage Agency? It’s ILLEGAL! 

The Ministry of Public Security recently stated that any foreign or international marriage agency is illegal, according to Chinese law.

The General Office of the State Council clearly stated in its 1994 notice that it is strictly prohibited to establish a foreign-related marriage matchmaking agencies. No individual may be engaged in foreign-related marriage matchmaking activities by deception or for profit. The notice and related regulations are all aimed at safeguarding Chinese marriage system and preventing marriage fraud. All those who marry in China need to follow Chinese laws, otherwise, the marriage will lose its legality and even break the law.

AnyVisa has received a lot of questions such as, “My girlfriend is a Chinese, can she apply for a green card for me?” —No. If you just got married to a Chinese citizen, he or she can’t apply for a Chinese green card for you.

The Chinese law stipulates that only those who have been married to a Chinese for more than five years are eligible to apply for a Chinese “green card”. So, if an organization promises it can help you find a Chinese partner and apply for a green card, don’t be fooled.


Here is an overview of the Chinese marriage system:


What is a foreign-related marriage?

Generally speaking, if there’s one element of a marriage that belongs to overseas, this marriage is a foreign-related marriage.

There are several main forms:

  • Chinese and foreigner marry in China
  • Chinese and foreigner marry outside of China
  • Chinese and Chinese marry outside of China
  • Foreigner and foreigner marry in China

Rules to be followed to register marriage in China as a foreigner

Marriage in China needs to reach legal age:

The legal age of marriage in China is 22 years old for men and 20 years old for women. Foreigners, people in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, etc., also have to abide by this rule when they marry in mainland China.

Monogamy system:

China implements a monogamy system that prohibits bigamy.

Prohibiting close relatives from marriage:

Chinese law prohibits immediate family members or collateral relatives within three generations from marrying. If both parties are foreigners and they want to get married in China, they need to provide relevant supporting documents to prove that the two parties have no close blood relationship.

Diseases that are prohibited by law from marriage:

China’s “Marriage Law” stipulates that people who suffer from uncured leprosy are medically considered to be unmarried. Leprosy is a serious infectious disease that is harmful to health. It will not only be transmitted to spouses but will also jeopardize future generations. People with AIDS, gonorrhoea, syphilis and other diseases; as well as schizophrenia, manic depressive psychosis and other severe mental illnesses, can not get married before they are cured.

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